Sleeping Aussie Baby Series
Be one of the first 25 to BUY and qualify for the
valued over $200
Do you wish your needle felted sculptures were more realistic?
Are you tired of wasting resources trying to obtain that realism?
Would you like to make every stab count toward your advanced ability?
At Reena Lee Creations “School of Stabbing” you will learn, step by step, how to create everything from fibre.
From the claws to the whiskers every detail is covered in 12 comprehensive Video Feltorials. Even if you have never needle felted before, this course is for you and will teach you my economical stabbing techniques in 24 hours of easy to follow footage.
There is never enough time to create and some methods of needle felting have a lot of stabbing involved in the core work. Not so with my course!
The frustration and expense of trying and failing to get better can be soul destroying.
If you were to struggle with this on your own, how long do you think it would take?
I remember how it was to have ambitions way beyond my abilities. The creation of this course was the best apprenticeship I could ever have completed. My sculptures are now that of a masters standard and it’s not only my work that has excelled.
Meet Bev, she was creating 3D sculptures of local native species and ‘muddling’ along with the details but after completing my entire course her work became a lot more professional and rewarding.

If I save you from the confusion of wondering how to obtain realism in your sculptures, what is that worth to you?
When I first started needle felting, the creation of realistic features was paramount for me. It was also very important to learn a faster and more economical way to get all of that stabbing done.
I tried a few advanced needle felting tutorials from some of the most accomplished and prominent artists at the time and found that it only took me so far. I wanted to make fur look like it’s coming out of the skin and claws that didn’t break as polymer clay always did, for me anyway!.
I found that there were plenty of fantastic beginner courses that left me wanting more! I wanted a course that took me to the end with continuity throughout the lessons. So I created my own course with the aim to take a complete novice to advanced with an entire learning system.
If you purchased materials and experimented not knowing what I know, how much do you think this would cost?
I realised that the real problem with needle felting is that there are no rules or formulas.
This is why my course is based around teaching you how to learn this art form. Encouraging you to experiment with guidance and empowerment. Giving you the skills and confidence you need to thrive on your own.
This skill alone is a game changer for any artist. It allows you to break free from the mental constraints that tell you there must be a secret method that you just can’t find.
Once you embrace this learning model the nature of needle felt takes over. This is when you will really benefit from my course and the illusionary realism techniques I have developed to share with you.
It’s my aim to help you realise your dream of creating realistic 3D sculptures and making every stab count toward strengthening your position as an artist in your own right. Giving you the tools and techniques you need to take my method and make it your own.
After completing the creation of this course I found my sculptures to be of a consistently higher standard of realism. Not only that but I find myself happier to push the boundaries of technique even further than I ever thought possible.

Imagine creating sculptures that wow the crowds with their level of realism.
Being the envy of your family and friends, not to mention the attention you will gain on social media.
Boosting your confidence even further and therefore allowing you to strive and grow even stronger as an artist.
Ultimately providing you with freedom through creation and all the while exposing you to an immense amount of therapy from stabbing, which I have dubbed “Acupuncture for the Soul”.
Imagine being able to create highly realistic sculptures.
Imagine using the techniques learned in this course, to create any creature you could possibly think of.
Imagine this giving you the confidence to take on commissions.
The Sleeping Aussie Baby Series is structured to guide you step by step from the very basics of my unique method to my most advanced techniques of illusionary realism.
Gradually building on each lesson, adding more detail and techniques as you get stronger.
Working this way helps you to practice what you have already learned and build on it to advance your skills and felting muscle, organically.
Encouraging you to work with your inner artist to finally reach beyond the advanced level to the ultimate "MASTER" of your own abilities and imagination.
This is where you meet your UNIQUE MAGIC and everyone has the ability to OWN THIS.
Sleeping Aussie Baby Series
• 12 detailed, easy to follow SAB Video Feltorials of iconic Australian creatures, detailed list of lessons below.
• Every lesson has a brief “about the creature” section to introduce you to each unique little Aussie.
• Every lesson has an extensive materials and tools list.
• All lessons have video and PDF.
• All students have access to the exclusive Facebook Group.
• All lessons are available indefinitely once purchased.
• Work at your own pace.
• Access to me in email.
• Support of wildlife rehabilitation.
• 30 day money back guarantee

Beginner-Intermediate Sculptures
Numbat, Possum, Quoll and Tassie Devil.
Intermediate-Advanced Sculptures;
Phascogale, Bilby, Wombat and Tawny Frogmouth.
Advanced-Master Sculptures;
Koala, Platypus, Shingleback and Hopping Mouse.
Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of these creatures, you will know all about them and their unique characteristics after completing my course. Each creature has its own page of introduction and fun facts. Some sad facts too but knowledge is power and we want to look after these precious Aussies. Your participation in this course directly benefits wildlife rehabilitation in my area and in particular the fight to save our Numbats.
All lessons are accompanied by the PDF version which is great to print out and use alongside the video. This combination of learning techniques is the foundation of teaching you how to learn.
Get access to my students only FB group so that every day you have a place to turn to get help from people just like you. Not wasting any time because you are stuck on some little question or because you’re having an off day. You’ll have a place to turn for answers, support, feedback and inspiration. This way you can always keep moving forward.
Once purchased the videos and PDFs are available indefinitely. This allows you to watch them over and over if need be and take the classes when ever it’s convenient to you.
With easy to digest short films of detailed techniques you can easily watch them over and over, even frame by frame, if need be. No pressure to move forward until you are completely confident at each stage.
I am always available to my students via email and enjoy seeing your progress or answering your questions. Remember, I was just like you once and I understand your frustration.
I am very passionate about supporting local wildlife rehabilitation. The Numbat, in particular, as it is my West Australian fauna emblem and is native to the area I live in. Did you know there are fewer Numbats than there are Orangutang or Giant Panda!
I have also supported the Koalas in recent times after the massive Aussie Fires. By supporting my “School of Stabbing” you, too, are helping these precious and unique creatures. ❤️
It would not make me happy if you were displeased with your course and this is why I offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
The entire FUN Series of Video Feltorials valued at $100
The FUN Series
There are 4 sculptures in the FUN Series and each one is a different take on the needle felt to wet felt method I have developed using a hot water bottle. Making them very durable and washable. Great handmade gifts for children and adults alike.
The Dino
This adorable little sculpture is such a huge favourite with all kids and has a unique take on armatures. The special techniques of attaching the topcoat and then wet felting it to a fabric surface that can be embellished in many different ways from more needle felting to permanent markers and rubbing alcohol
The Pony
One of my most popular sculptures to date. Inspired by the Dalla Horse, this sculpture is also made with a unique armature, my special technique for topcoat and wet felted to create a skin of felt fabric. This one can also be embellished to your hearts content.
The Lamb
This sculpture starts to challenge you with plenty of technique and some secret ones to really trap that curly topcoat in order to create yet another durable and washable toy. There’s no way those curls can be pulled off after this method, not even the cat could destroy this sculpture!
The Duckling
This amazing little bath time sculpture is a fun way to involve the kids. From the construction to the wet felting and then after in the bath. It’s the perfect shape to use as a washer and exfoliater or just simply to get them in the bath. The shape is so perfect for holding and using as a scrubber on those little feet. It can also be embellished with eyes or markings with the techniques shown in the earlier FUN Series Feltorials.

The entire Nitty Gritty Series of Video Feltorials valued at $110
The Nitty Gritty Series
The Crafty Caterpillar
This introductory video shows you how to be really inventive and step out of the box when discovering new techniques. It’s a fun and whimsical creation to put into a pot plant as wool doesn’t mind a little water now and then. Mostly it’s to show that the magic is in the little nitty gritty details.
Drysdale Horse Tails
With the spotlight on Australia’s only Heritage breed, the ‘Drysdale’. This Feltorial teaches you how to create realistic horse tails and manes. It’s such a valuable technique, especially if you are wanting a hyper realistic effect. As I discover more ways to use the Drysdale I will add to this Feltorial so it’s a lesson that keeps on giving.
This lesson is a collection of reverse techniques as the name suggests the reverse needle pulls fibre back out again. The unstabber is a tool made with three reverse needles. This Feltorial shows you have to make your very own unstabber and how to use it in many different ways. There is a fun Feltorial at the end and also a magical technique to smooth the horse coat. This will be updated as I discover new ways to use it so it’s a lesson that keeps on giving.
Claws and Toes
The lesson of claws and toes is the most popular of all feltorials. With all of my different ways to create claws and toes there is sure to be one that gets you inspired. There are new and exciting techniques to explore also as I’ve advanced beyond the Sleeping Aussie Baby Series. This will be updated as I discover new ways to create claws and toes so it’s a lesson that keeps on giving.

Modest Crafts, Josephine
“I’m going through your videos right now. I love how familiar you are with your medium. You speak much more intimately on needle felting the the few people I’ve found on YouTube.”
My Bushland Sculptures, Bev Prideau
“A very generous lady who is happy to share her knowledge. Her teaching and creative talents are amazing. I’ve learned more about needle felting in a month than I had in a year of ‘muddling’ along. Thank you so much Reena.” x
Faithwooly Yours, Suzy Holmes
“Should I get a ‘Feltorial’ from Reena?
I can confirm, yes you should! I highly recommend all of them. From beginner to advanced, each course covered a lot of information, delivered in concise ‘episodes’ that were easy to follow. Each tutorial is clear and very effective, and you will definitely learn some new techniques. I did! Reena’s step-by-step tutorials gave me the confidence to implement some new and exciting techniques to my own felting work. Reena is an amazing artist and has obviously put a lot of thought and expertise into designing each Feltorial. You won’t be disappointed.”
Valleywise Fibre Art, Kate Taylor
“I just would like to say what an inspirational woman Reena is. She strives to achieve the best results in everything she creates from herTutorials and kits for beginner stabber, to the higher, more experienced stabber, who just needs more ideas. Her own works of soft sculptures I have had the pleasure of seeing and touching myself, are simply amazing. Reena is a true Artist who loves to share her knowledge which in my books makes her a very special person.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Delisa
“So happy that I bought these tutorials. This is the one where I jump on the band wagon and up my game. All of my felties have had armatures so working without one seemed odd but in order to learn new techniques we need to push beyond what we think we know and feel uncomfortable. It is the method I use to seek and learn. I feel as an artist I have to break loose and take techniques and bend them to my style. It is one of the things I love about your tutorials. You make it easy and except that everyone is at different learning levels and understand that it OK to tweak what you are teaching. I LOVE there are NO RULES method. It makes it a lot easier to learn and create.”
A.D.Woolcraft, Agnese Davies
“Wow, and I thought I knew a lot 😀 you got me to a next level , great technique, i also love how you secured the armature wire with tape, nice and neat so that it doesn’t catch too! So happy that I bought these tutorials. This is the one where I jump on the band wagon and up my game. All of my felties have had armatures so working without one seemed odd but in order to learn new techniques we need to push beyond what we think we know and feel uncomfortable. It is the method I use to seek and learn. I feel as an artist I have to break loose and take techniques and bend them to my style. It is one of the things I love about your tutorials. You make it easy and except that everyone is at different learning levels and understand that it OK to tweak what you are teaching. I LOVE there are NO RULES method. It makes it a lot easier to learn and create.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Karen Thow
“Ohhhh my goodness,thank you for sparking a new passion, just finished the baby numbat, using the colours I could source, he's adorable 😍”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Sharon Fraser
“Thanks so much Reena. I love the tip about using the cardboard to protect your fingers and to make the ears thin.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Judy Kochersperger
“Thank you, Reena Lee! That was the first time I’ve actually seen felting. I’m a knitter but I’m kind of interested to try felting to see if it clicks. Wonderful tutorials!”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Valli Shaughnessy
“I felt hugely encouraged and free to experiment after making creatures from Reena Lee’s course. I’m new to felting. Her guidance gave me a great starting point to explore the wonderful techniques and discover simple skills that take the ordinary to the extra ordinary! I had felt restricted previously. She is an inspirational teacher. Thank you Reena for helping my creative heart fly.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Debbie Ross
“I love these 12 Aussie Babies. I have made the first 2 and look forward to completing them all. They are cleverly designed so that each one in order helps you to develop new skills from the previous ones. You see your work improve with each one.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Deborah Walsh-O’Neill
“Hello, I just joined and am so excited to see your Feltorials!!! You are amazing and I so much appreciate how talented you are! You really inspire me to be better. I’ve been felting for a year and love it so much. Thank you for the opportunity to watch and learn with you.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Sabine Compeyn
“I discovered Reena recently and decided to explore her felting techniques. It took some adjustments as I am used to felt a creature in one piece but following her visual instructions was easy and a very charming wombat was born. I loved learning new techniques to make different parts. This enticed me to explore more and my goal is to felt the Sleeping Aussie Baby Series.”
Colette Loren
“I would love to say.... Reena is one pure soul who puts her heart into each and every make. We were very lucky to be gifted one of her first numbat babies and the talent and realism Reena is gifted with is phenomenal. She uses her adoration, skills and love of the world around her while raising awareness making such beautiful creatures. Her work is inspirational and a definite must do for any needle felter. Beautiful soul, spectacular artist. xxx”
Rachel Felts, Rachel Scott
“Reena’s love of the wool is infectious, she is so encouraging, enthusiastic and generous sharing her techniques and secrets. Her Feltorials are packed full of easy to follow instructions for her gorgeous creations. I’d love to move to Australia so I can meet her in person and have a stabalong with her.”
Satisfied School of Stabbing Student, Siobhan Perry
“My name is Siobhan Perry and I’m a needlefelting artist living in Tunbridge Wells in England. Although I received a BA Hons in Design Craft over 20 years ago, I haven’t really used my art skill until I recently started to teach art in a primary school.
Researching Pinterest for craft ideas I came across needlefelting. I must have been living in a cave as I had never heard of it before! I couldn’t believe some of the sculptures I was seeing.I had to try it out and my first make was a little owl. It took days to make and was pretty basic but I was hooked! That was a year and a half ago and I’ve been felting obsessed ever since. I now make a diverse amount of sculpture ps for people and have sent them all over the globe. Recently a fairy to Bulgaria, a pig to America, a kitten to France and a little mouse to Australia! My latest, and largest, commission was a full sized cat. I am still learning and experimenting though.
I have used Reena Lees PDF tutorial on how to felt a little hopping mouse/behm to help me perfect my little mouse paws. Her techniques were very useful and although I was mostly interested in how she made those remarkable paws, I’ve actually used several other handy tips on how to felt the ears and attachment of limbs etc. the techniques transfer to other creatures too. I keep practicing and those little mouse paws are getting smaller and smaller!
Thank you Reena! “
Q. I’m already working 8-10 hours a day, how will I find time to learn needle felting?
A. I have concise videos that show each step so no worries about wasting your time. I have streamlined it all and broken it down into easily watched films which allow you to go at your own pace.
Q. I’m not artistic or creative at all so I can’t do it?
A. The art of Stabbing is something that everyone can do, the wool goes in the direction that you point the needle! It’s as simple as that, with this course you will be taught how to learn all of the other techniques but that is literally the only skill you need. Being willing and able to stab!
Q. I suffer from depression, do you think this will help me?
A. YES!! Most definitely, this art-form is a superior anti-depressant. The area of the brain that hosts artistic ventures simply isn’t in the same neighborhood as “Gloomsville”. Having the course to turn to means you have constant guidance to move forward and did I mention it was stabbing? How can that be depressing?
Q. What if I don’t have the correct materials?
A. The sculptures will work with alternative fibres, I have seen rainbow Numbats made and all manner of inspired versions. Once you start my course you soon realize there are no rules, it’s called artistic license.
Q. I don’t want to make Aussie creatures, can I use this course to make super realistic cats and dogs or even ferrets or snakes?
A. YES!! You most certainly can use these techniques to create other creatures. I’ve seen sleeping kittens made with the Numbat Feltorial and Opossums made instead of Possums. Personally I have used these techniques on a life sized koala, kangaroo, cats and dogs. The “scale techniques” can be used on bird feet and dragons not to mentions snakes and crocodiles.
Q. What if I’m unhappy with the course?
A. I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days for a full refund.
Q. I can’t afford that amount of money all at once, can I pay it off?
A. Yes you certainly can, there is a option of 5 easy payments and don’t forget you will get the FUN Series and the Nitty Gritty Series all for FREE when you BUY NOW
If you could convert the costs of materials into sales of hyper realistic commissions, how much would that be worth to you?
Your solution is right here! Let me just recap what you are going to learn in the
Sleeping Aussie Baby Series
The difference between core and top coat.
What hand felting is.
The difference between Tacking and Sculpting.
How to create the illusion of eyes.
The art of ear making.
How to attach stripes.
How to make a tail.
How to join parts together.
How to handle unprocessed wool.
How to wet felt.
How to curl a tail.
How to attach larger ears.
How to layer your wool.
The difference between needle sizes.
How to wet felt a tail.
How to identify and use another needle size.
How to understand the differences in the needle sizes.
How to twirl the wool to add spots.
How to create strong features with a 32 needle.
Tassie Devil
How to work with different dark fibres to create depth of colour.
The difference black Corriedale and Merino.
How to create more natural looking markings.
How to create a detailed head; with cheeks, distinctive muzzle and ears, even a pip above the eyes.
How to create hips.

That small does not mean easy.
How to reverse felt (unstab) a tail.
How to create small realistic ears.
How to add a chin and shape a muzzle.
To use glue on the nose.
How to add whiskers.
A different method of wet felting.
How to create body features.
How to make super thin, big ears.
To create a super tight snout.
A different way of layering a head shape.
When to use a permanent marker.
When and how to use a knot in your core.
How to make claws and eyelids.
How to make a realistic looking muzzle and chin.
To make and attach limbs.
Paint with wool.
When to use the size 40 needle.
How to create realistic pads on the feet.
A new way of reverse felting (unstabbing) the whole sculpture.
Tawny Frogmouth
How to work with synthetic fibre.
To use knots to create a solid core ball.
The ‘Esther Method’ of attachment.
To trim like a hairdresser.
How to create a beak.
How to make bird feet with claws, without an armature.
How to get a feather look.

How to create a simple wire armature.
How to attach wool to the armature.
Make claws out of fibre.
How to create limbs.
To build up lots of layers for reverse felting (unstabbing)
How to attach parts using needle and thread.
Different ways of reverse felting
How to trim fur.
When to use a pastel on your sculpture.
What a scruff is and why it’s important.
How to create a full body armature.
To use different types of wire and different gauges.
How to create webbed feet with claws
Make a bill out of wool.
Use a glue to create a leathery feel and appearance.
How to work with and handle Silk Tussah.
Why to use tape around your armature.
Use new tools for creating digits.
Work with Hamanaka Core.
How to use Artist Sealer Spray.
To create nostrils with fire 🔥
To create single digit claws.
How to create 3 different styles of scales.
To use body armature and attach separate leg armatures.
Why not to twist your armature.
How to use rolls to shape your body.
Different techniques of colouring.
Create nostrils and an ear canal using wax.
Using a flame 🔥 to deal with excess fluff.
Hopping Mouse.
Single digit creation.
A new armature technique.
How to create a tail with a brush tip.
To add hair in the correct direction, on the tail especially.
How to fake the fingers and toes with three instead of four.
How to create eyelids and put in a glass eye.
To use glue to create strength in your sculpture.
How to shade with permanent markers.
To use spray sealer to stabilise the Alpaca topcoat and create high detail and a smooth surface.
A new material for realistic whiskers.

The entire FUN Series of Video Feltorials valued at $100
The entire Nitty Gritty Series of Video Feltorials valued at $110
That’s over $200 worth of Feltorials for FREE !!
So what is it worth to you to have access to your personal magic?
Giving you the confidence and encouragement you need in order to command higher prices for your work!
The Sleeping Aussie Baby Series is valued over $600
Purchase the Full Series now for only
Be one of the first 25 to buy and qualify for the Double Bonus
valued over $200 for FREE !!
Don’t miss out on this chance to increase your skills and knowledge of needle felting with illusionary realism.
Join me for some quality stabbing NOW!