Needle Felting Kit: 'Sleeping Aussie Baby' Platypus
Project 10 - Level 3.
The platypus is the second of my advanced projects. This Feltorial is focused on detail and simplicity in the same breath. With a highly detailed armature that has four feet, each with five digits and a new tool to create them. The covering of these digits having been carried over from the Koala but taken to a whole new level. The digits are very fine and small, providing a lesson of dexterity and they are then attached to webbing which is a brand new lesson. The use of very little core, and the reason, will prepare you for the final two sculptures in my SAB series. The addition of working with silk tussah as the top coat, to create the wet glossy look of the platypus, and the problem solving around it. The introduction of some Hamanaka fibre for the tail, gives you a whole new perspective on the definition of core. The bill and webbed feet are fantastic details that can easily transpose to other projects. White glue is taken to an new level to create the leathery effect of the bill.
Once again there will be very little written instruction for the core construction as it has been covered at length in previous Feltorials, giving us more time to concentrate on the details. The Tawny and the Koala took you on the path of heavy stabbing, and the reason for it, but the platypus reminds us of the less is more philosophy.
Designed to be fully posable, there is a ton of fun to be had on completion of this adorable little Aussie Baby.
In 34 pages, with over 150 pictures and written instructions, Reena takes you step by step through the process of creating your own Platypus.
Included in the kit:
- Dark and Light Romney core, each about 3-4 gms.
- Dark Brown Corriedale, 5 gms.
- Dark Chocolate and Grey Brown Merino, each about 1 gm.
- Clay Silk and Pale Silk Tussah, each about 1-2 gms.
- Black Silk Tussah, less than 1 gm.
- Brown Hamanaka Core, 6 x 5cm square, 1 gm.
- Raw Bronze Corriedale, about 2-3 gms.
- Raw Gold Corriedale, 1 gm.
- 1 x 46cm length of florist stem cloth wire 18 gauge.
- 1 x 46cm length of florist stem cloth wire 22 gauge, cut in half.
- 1 x 104cm length of silver florist wire, 26 gauge, cut into four.
- Size 36 and 40 needles
- Toothpick
- Digit Tool
Downloadable PDF Feltorial with the instructions.
NOT included are • Felting foam (any foam will do, like a car sponge). • Hot water bottle. • Liquid soap. • Cup with hot water. • Iron. • Pointy tipped scissors. • Curved nail scissors. • Pliers (curved and cutting). • Gaffer Tape. • White and Craft glue. • Clover felting brush. • Red and brown oil pastels. • Pink and brown permanent markers. • Artists Sealer Spray Matt. • Small paint brush. • Tea light candle and matches. • Broken needle with handle, which you may need.
To spare nature there are no printed instructions in the kit, you will receive a link to download an extensive PDF Feltorial.
You can also purchase only the Feltorial: Shop - Feltorials
Why don't you give it a try. One stab at a time, I can guarantee you will enjoy it.