Like much of my work this little guy evolved into only half of a cub. This became a statement piece. It is a puppet and when wrapped looks like a moving sleeping tiger cub. When the truth is revealed it is only half of a tiger cub. With anatomically correct dissection recreated and blood on the blanket, this piece starts the conversation about captive bred litters for tourism.
The litter numbers are “too many” and the death rate of the cubs is “too high” but no one thinks about this when they are presented with a tiger cub on display. Away from it’s mother.
This is about crimes against wildlife in all of its forms. Even when it’s under the guise of conservation.
Created from Cheviot core, Merino topcoat with guard hairs from my ginger cat for whiskers and red glass paint for blood. This sculpture is very sturdy and made to be handled and used as a puppet. Perfect for education and conversation starter.
Size 23 x 12 x 15 cm
Tiger Cub Puppet
· Long coated fur should NOT be combed or brushed
· Use a large needle to gently straighten the fur.
· Trim any stray hairs rather then pulling them.
· Keeping your sculpture behind glass is preferable.
· Be aware of pets trying to kill your sculpture.
· Moths also like your sculpture. If you suspect moth activity, put your sculpture into the freezer for at least 14 days.
· Dust can be gently be brushed off with a clean makeup brush.
· Should something happen to your sculpture, surgery is an option.