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Sleeping Aussie Babies

When I first discovered needle felting I was influenced immensely by the fibre artists of the Northern Hemisphere.

Most of the great teachers were making some sort of sleeping creature. I have to admit I am still a fan of baby bunnies, foxes, mice and cats, however I can't promote them here in Australia.

I have always been very connected to the bush. I have always lived amongst it and respected the unique wild life we have here in Australia.

Motivated by the plight of our State's Emblem, the Numbat, I designed a wonderful feltorial (needle felting tutorial). This led to a manager, web page and twelve 'Sleeping Aussie Baby' feltorials to roll out the coming year.

Each feltorial is designed to show you new and innovative ways to approach the amazing art of needle felting. I teach you how to throw away the rule book. Each new skill showing you how to learn and think, not only out of the box, but what you can do with the box.

This encouraged growth as an artist is intoxicating and I love to gift this feeling to others. Every one can do this art form. It's not difficult. To reach high levels of realism you must train for the marathon. These feltorials are designed to help you exercise your felting muscles. At the same time I am raising awareness around our unique Aussie creatures.

So why don't you give it a try. One stab at a time, I can guarantee you will enjoy it.
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Mar 07, 2022

I've found you again! YIPPEE! Had to change email.address and got lost! So glad to find you again! I've missed you so much! Katie (love to Stanley)


Oct 03, 2018

All the best Reena on your new venture of bringing the needles to the folk of Oz :)

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